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La seconda capitale economica del Regno Unito

Gli amanti dell’Inghilterra lo sanno già da tempo: Londra non è l’unica città inglese ad aver tanto da offrire.

 Hotspot per eccellenza del nord d’Inghilterra è Leeds, il più grande centro urbano della contea dello Yorkshire, attraente per i suoi eleganti loggiati vittoriani ricchi di negozi e per la vivace vita notturna e culturale. 

Ma facciamo un passo indietro...UK, Regno Unito, è articolato da più di 300 anni in quattro nazioni costitutive: Inghilterra, Scozia, Galles e Irlanda del Nord.

Leeds è in Inghilterra, più precisamente nel West Yorkshire, con circa mezzo milione di cittadini. La città dispone di tre scuole e tre università con un totale di 250 mila studenti che costituiscono ben la metà della popolazione totale della città. E' infatti stata votata la miglior destinazione universitaria del Regno Unito, da un sondaggio nel quotidiano The Independent.

La posizione di Leeds è davvero invidiabile perché è situata a metà strada tra una costa e l'altra ed è ben collegata ai porti. Lungo la città si snoda il fiume Aire e passeggiando lungo i suoi argini si possono ammirare bellissimi monumenti. Tra questi citiamo la City Art Gallery, Town Hall, Royal Armouries, Henry Moore Institute ed altri. Esplorando la città si può incontrare anche la sua cattedrale alta e svettante, e nonostante la costruzione in sè sia piuttosto piccola, i dettagli sono spettacolari.

Leeds è celebre anche per le sue squadre di calcio e di rugby  oltre che per le sue tre università, come dicevamo poco sopra: Trinity, Beckett e Leeds University. Tra gli aspiranti accademici, questa città è molto apprezzata soprattutto per l’eccellente offerta formativa. Con circa 37.500 studenti provenienti da 142 paesi, la rinomata «University of Leeds» non è solo l'ateneo più antico e più grande dello Yorkshire, ma anche il terzo dell’intero paese. In generale, tutto il sistema scolastico britannico essendo uno dei più antichi al mondo, gode per tradizione di un’ottima fama.

Focalizzandoci ora sull’economia della città, possiamo dire essere piuttosto diversificata, seppur trainata principalmente dal settore dei servizi, che ha preso il sopravvento su quello manifatturiero. A Leeds infatti hanno sede numerose banche, istituzioni finanziarie e compagnie di assicurazione. Ci sono anche diverse imprese edili, agenzie immobiliari e le sedi di importanti compagnie come First Direct, Republic e Premier Farnell.

In città si trovano anche industrie alimentari, chimiche, società di ingegneria medica, imprese high-tech e case automobilistiche.

Leeds è inevitabilmente conosciuta anche per essere un paradiso dello shopping, grazie alla presenza di grandi centri commerciali e negozi come Harvey Nichols, Louis Vuitton, Marks & Spencer...
Il turismo contribuisce sempre più all'economia della città con i diversi alberghi, strutture ricreative e luoghi di interesse come il West Yorkshire Playhouse ed il Teatro del Northern Ballet.

Si potrebbe dilungarsi ancora molti paragrafi descrivendo tutto ciò che si può trovare in questa splendida città... ma per il momento ci fermeremo qui, sperando almeno di avervi fatto incuriosire su quello che è un piccolo-grande polo nella nostra Europa.

Se siete quindi alla ricerca di una meta interessante e non scontata per il prossimo viaggio fuori porta, consigliamo di tenere in considerazione una tappa a Leeds. Potreste innamorarvene e decidere di dare una svolta radicale alla vostra vita! 



Chatterton, P. and Hodkinson, S., 2007. Leeds: skyscraper city. The Yorkshire and Humber Regional Review, 17(1), pp.30-32.

Bramham, P. and Spink, J., 2009. Leeds–Becoming the postmodern city. Sport, leisure and culture in the postmodern city, pp.9-32.

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  • "I had the pleasure of being supported in recent years by GS Xecutive in some rather complex and totally different selections among them. If several hypothesis make a theory, then three successful candidates are the confirmation of the professionalism, competence and sensibility with which he manages the projects entrusted to him."
    Massimo Scolari
    C.F.O. at AEB Group
  • "The assignment of a goal to be achieved ... the certainty of a result! Gianluca knows well the territory in which he is involved, the social context that surrounds him and the people he collaborates with. Thanks to its multiple skills, even in the most difficult scenarios, he is able to find the right person to place it within its clients' companies. It's a pleasure to work with him."
    Cristina Medici
    Beckhoff Automation, Italy
  • "I meet Gianluca Suardi some years ago, and since then we always kept in touch. He is probably one of the best professionals that I have ever met in the HR sector. Competent, transparent, punctual, proactive. Those are some of the qualities that Gianluca has demonstrated every time I worked with him. He is a great professional in HR, but he also has good skill in problem solving out of the ordinary, and a strategic vision, in my opinion, unique. Summarizing, let me exaggerate, a champion."
    Enrico Quaresimin
    Business Development Manager @ Forgital USA, Inc.
  • "I worked with Gianluca several times. Excellent interpersonal skills, target oriented and incredible sensitiveness towards candidates and effective in understanding clients requirements with creative solutions."
    Paolo Sacchi
    Procurement & Asset Manager - Area Europe & Russia @ Astaldi
  • "I had the chance to meet GS Xecutive and appreciate the work during a fairly complex selection. The perfect understanding of our needs and perseverance in finding the right candidate were the determining factors for the success of the project."
    Daniele Da Re
    Operation Manager at Zanotta SpA
  • "I was fortunate to be incorporated 4 years ago at a company with the mediation of Gianluca and to date I often rely on him to look for difficult profiles to include in our team. Professional and practical, I would recommend cooperating with him."
    Matteo Gualandris
    Direttore di produzione Cartotecnica Goldprint SpA
  • "I met GS Xecutive at a time when I decided to change my professional career. I am firmly convinced that in the immense world of Recruitment highly skilled people are needed, Gianluca is a step ahead of others. A person of very high education and competence."
    Fausto Fedrighini
    CISM at International Purchasing and Supply chain management institute
  • "Gianluca is a competent, reliable, result-oriented professional and able to adapt quickly to complex situations. It is endowed with great tenacity and fulfills the goals assigned even in the presence of unforeseen difficulties."
    Claudio Pinassi
    Amministratore Delegato KME Italy
  • "I worked with Dr. Suardi in the selection of 2 people to join in my team and I've always found him very well-mannered both professionally and personally."
    Annarita Polacchini
    General Manager ASF Autolinee
  • "Gianluca is an excellent talent discoverer in the HR field: professionality and humanity his skills."
    Michele Greif
    General Manager
  • "Stefan Folini Integration Manager TTM & Antil - Head of Operations Competence Center Automation Bystronic"
    Fast and professional. Thanks for cooperation
    Bystronic Group
  • "I had the opportunity to work with Gianluca on the occasion of a research for my marketing team and I found in him an attentive observer of the business reality and a deep listener of our needs. Even in the face of unforeseen circumstances that caused delays in selection, it was able to manage the situation quickly and accurately, guaranteeing response times consistent with expectations. In short: I hope to be able to work with him again."
    Fabio Milesi Marketing & Sales Manager
    Diversey Spa
  • "Professionalism and precision linked to the ability to interpret the characteristics of the different job profiles give highly positive feedback, certainly advisable especially for medium to high profiling!"
    Pasquina Disanto Administration Manager
    Responsabile amministrazione BIO-LINE CHEMICALS SRL
  • "Professionalism, education, balance and competence are the qualities that stand out immediately in the knowledge of Gianluca Suardi."
    Marco Cristiano Soler
    Technical manager at BIO-LINE CHEMICALS SRL
  • "Gianluca is a 360 ° Professional in recruiting. It expresses with great clarity and precision what he and his partners are looking for and provides constructive feedback to allow people with whom they interface to constantly improve."
    Andrea Armanni
    Marketing and Sales Manager at F.lli Belotti S.r.l.
  • "I had the opportunity to meet Gianluca and face a selective path with him. I want to emphasize the great professionalism beyond a great transparency and "humanity", a very rare gift in the sector."
    Antonio Evangelista
    Off Premise Regional Account Manager
  • "I met Gianluca when I was a candidate and now we still cooperate. Gianluca, and GSX by extent, is more than (an extremely effective) a recruiter. He is, indeed, a invaluable business partner capable of guide and counsel even in the most complicated HR matters. He often put professionalism before personal gain, saying and doing the right thing even when is not convenient for him. I remember very well when we, talking about profiles, he clearly stated that the other agency's candidate was the better choice for my company. I would recommend Gianluca, you will definitely appreciate his reliability, intellectual honesty and HR expertise."
    Luca Zanazzi
    HR Manager at Italcoppie Sensori
  • "I had the pleasure and the opportunity to meet Victor during a very delicate moment in my professional life. I found a young professional capable, full of energy and attentive to all those little details that can make a difference in a selection process. I thank Victor and all GSXecutive for this wonderful experience and I highly recommend them to anyone who needs support in the selection process."
    Claudio Giovannini
    National KAM Diversey SPA